Monday, November 2, 2009

Desserts to share during Thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving is fastly approaching. Before you know it it's here and you don't have a clue what to do for dessert. Your mom and dad are coming, your siblings and maybe one or two friends, what are you going to do? Don't worry, My Sweet Dessert Addiction is here to help!

There is a history behind every holiday, but Thanksgiving is a very special one. Historically, it was a religious observation day where they got together to give thanks to God and the Native Americans for helping the pilgrims. Thanksgiving didn't become a federal holiday until 1941.

As a tradition, the food is a very important part of this holiday. Everybody calls it "Turkey Day" instead of Thanksgiving. I'm sure you already have thought who is cooking this year, and since every year it's the same food custom, why not break free from the routine and surprise everybody with a new dessert.

There are so many different desserts you can try to do. Here are a few:

Of course pumpkin will be the number one ingredient of the season, but as you can see there are many different recipes you can make using this fresh fruit. That's right, pumpkins are not vegetables because they have seeds which make them fruits.

Click here for a fun Turkey Day quiz!

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