Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Midnight Lovers

Don't we all feel guilty at times? Don't we all do something we might regret later on? Well at least I know I do!

I have a boyfriend of almost two years now, and although I love him, I have a big heart that needs to be filled with love at all times.

So, I have a confession to make... I've cheated on my boyfriend with Doughnuts!

I know it's wrong but I can't help it! They call my name, I dream about them, they are so sweet and so round it makes me want to eat them, so I do.

All this week I've been having doughnuts at around midnight and maybe it was my fault for buying them at the supermarket or it was my sister-in-law's fault for giving me six free doughnuts she had left over from today, but I just can't seem to stop.

So I went online to research more about these delicious treats only to discover a fun little fact about the origins of doughnuts.

The history has been disputed many times; one theory suggests that Dutch settlers who were also known for popularizing other great American desserts such as cookies, apple pie and cobbler introduced them in the United States. Who would have ever known that the Dutch introduced these desserts that seem so American?

However, at the same time there is archaeological evidence that shows that doughnuts existed and were prepared by prehistoric Native Americans in the South West.

With all this recently added knowledge in my brain, I went out and asked the people who were in the line of Dunkin' Donuts who they thought invented such a sweet creation, and my favorite quote was: "Definitely someone who had in mind the rest of us."

So honey, if you are reading this, please understand that I didn't mean to cheat on you but I have a midnight lover I can't resist.

Do you have a midnight lover? If so I want to know what it is! Leave a comment underneath and we can all share with one another what we eat!

Have sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Waoooo its such a pretty page! I share your love for sweets...keep me updated
