Friday, October 2, 2009

Chocolate Fondue at Dada in Delray Beach

Get ready to get melted with this blog, literally. In my constant search to bring you the best dessert ideas, recipes and fun facts, I found myself melted by the thought of chocolate fondue. So I wanted to share with all my dear dessert lovers my experience at Dada in Downtown Delray Beach. 

Dada is a fun place to hang out in Delray since they always have live bands, poetry nights, or chill music. It also serves the purpose of a restaurant with a nice indoor area as well as a beautiful patio with couches and lanterns that give the place a 'homey' feel.  

So before you even order your food, three of your senses are already been put to use - now what you have left is your sense of taste and smell. Don't worry, the chocolate fondue will make sure those two senses don't feel left out. 

I sat patiently for my fondue while I listened to a Reggae band and chatted with my girlfriends. But suddenly I saw the waiter approach our table - I started to smile, my heart was pounding 100 times per second and all I can do was move stuff from the table to make some room. The fondue had arrived. 

It is served warm in a cup and surrounded by six different sweet treats: 
  1. Strawberries 
  2. Blackberries 
  3. Bananas 
  4. Pound cake 
  5. Brownies 
  6. Marshmallows 
Well, you can refer to the picture I took while I was enjoying myself. 

The chocolate used in this fondue in particular is dark, so if you don't like the bitterness of the dark chocolate you might not like Dada's fondue. It is still very rich and full of flavor, but I personally prefer milk or white chocolate rather than dark. Although it is known that dark chocolate is the only healthy chocolate you can eat, since it's the least processed.  

Looking online I found some of the benefits of dark chocolate, here they follow: 
  • It has antibacterial agents that protect teeth form cavities
  • The smell of chocolate increases cerebral waves, which relax us
  • Drinking one cup of hot chocolate before eating diminishes our appetite
  • Men who eat chocolate constantly, tend to live one more year than those who don't
  • It increases the levels of antioxidants in your blood
But the consumption of excessive chocolate is not the healthiest decision either, it's all about balancing your diet. And don't worry you can still be a dessert addict and keep yourself healthy while eating your favorite treats. 

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