Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Pledge of Chocoholics Pride

Happy 1st National Chocolate Day...once again! 

As you all know, today is National Chocolate Day, or at least one of them. As a true chocoholic -- a person who is excessively fond of chocolate -- you need to take the following chocoholic pride pledge:

"I am proud to be a chocoholic, I dip my cookie with pride.

The days grow cold and the nights grow long when I don't have my bar by my side.

Whether by bar or by spoon a mouthful won't do. The cocoa craving must be satisfied.

Domestic or imported, it has been reported that by cookie, cake, bar or drink, it will keep your true love alive."

Now, dig in and enjoy your chocolate dessert that you should enjoy with love and respect! 

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