This blog will speak out for all of those kids, and not so kids, who trick or treat in the hopes of going home with some delicious candy.
I present to you the Top 10 worse Halloween candy list:
- Jawbreakers: I mean, it's already bad enough that kids don't brush their teeth for you to be given them something to break their jaw with. Besides, nobody ever finishes these massive balls.
- Mints: Mints are supposed to be given out in doctor's offices, restaurants or mom's purse, but never in Halloween. Kids want the latest, the coolest and the sweetest, not whatever you found in your house.
- Cinnamon candy: Cinnamon is supposed to go on top of coffee or hot chocolate, never in hard candy and never given out in Halloween.
- Black licorice: Licorice is nasty. Unless your trick-or-treaters are over 40, please don't give out any kind of licorice candy.
- Mike & Ike candy: I don't know how to explain this chewable candy -- they are disgusting, taste like nothing and look like pills. Kids don't like to take pills, what makes you think they will like Mike & Ike?
- Rock candy crystal sticks: No, no, no! It is simply sugar only colored, and it has not taste and to be honest, they hurt your palate because they are so sharp.
- Conversation candy hearts (Sweethearts): You know which ones I'm talking about because people give them out in Valentine's day, Halloween and birthdays. I think that the people that give those out actually have never tried them. They are very yucky but make beautiful decoration.
- Fruit jell slices: If kids don't eat real fruits, why would they eat a jelly that looks like, tastes like and even smells like fruits? Keep the educational part of Halloween to their mothers, you are the "cool" neighbor given out goodies.
- Candy sticks and canes: Those are Christmas treats, not Halloween. Please don't try to mix Halloween and Christmas together, they are two separate reasons to eat candy.
- Hot Tamales candy: They should be banned from the candy world. I have not met one person that actually likes them, so please don't give them out on Halloween.
If there is one candy that you absolutely hate, please share with us we all want to know!
Are you planning a party this Halloween? Are you desperately in need of help to figure out how to decorate and use the candy at the same time? Watch this documentary by Candy Warehouse where they show you some ideas of what to do to look "horrific" in front of all your friends.
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